YOSHINE is a relay manufacturer.

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  • OUR Products


    WiFi lntelligent Relay

    YX1 series is a WiFi control relay module specially designed and developed by our company for the field of intelligent control.lt iswidely used in smart home and industrial intelligent control. lt adopts the most popular WiFi2.4GHz control chip, and cooperates withpowerfulAPP and mainstream voice assistants.Realize WLANlocalcontrol(even if the networkis disconnected, you can also use APPlocal control) and remote control, allowing users to fuly experience the convenient life brought by modern intelligent technology.

    Step / Monostable & Call / Reset Relay

    Floor fire safety alarm system (The fire alarmswitch on each floor is the call switch, whichcan only be turned on but can't be turned off.The reset switch is installed in the controlroom and supervised by a specially-assignedperson.)

    Light Activated Switch

    Turn on or turn off electrical equipmentaccording to the change of light intensity.The action threshold can be set according to the demand.

    when the ambient brightness decreases anddrops below the selected threshold, the control contact is closed ; when the ambientbrightness increases and rises above the selected threshold, the control contact opens.

    Switching Power Supply

    Home control system

    Building automation

    lndustrial control system 

    lndustrial automation

    Mechanical and electrical equipment

    Time Relay

    lndustrial machinery



    HVAC system

    Food and agriculture

    Floatless Level Switch

    lt is generally used in homes, industries,commercial places, public places and other placeswhere automatic monitoring of water supply anddrainage systems is required.

    lt has small size and complete specification.lt can be widely used in domestic water systems,sewage treatment systems, and special liquidsupply systems.

    Voltage Protection Relay

    Voltage protection relay uses a high-speed andlow-power processor as its core. When the powersupply line has over-voltage, under-voltage, orphase failure, phase reverse, the relay will cut offthe circuit quickly and safely to avoid accidentscaused by abnormal voltage being sent to theterminal appliance.When the voltage returns tothe normal value, the relay will turn on the circuitautomatically to ensure the normal operation ofthe terminal electrical appliances under unattended conditions.

    Current Monitoring Relay

    When the working current suddenly increasesor decreases due to various faults of load,protective measures must be taken, otherwiseserious safety accidents are likely to occur.When the fault current reaches the set valueof the protector, the contact of the current relayis closed after a pre-set delay, and the signalalarm device is activated.

    Most professional relay supplier

    • YOSHINE is from China.YOSHINE is a relay manufacturer.
      YOSHINE's current product series can be divided into two categories:

      1.Products that manage electronic control processes (step relays, delay relays, time relays,switching power supply loatlesslevel switch, etc.)
      2.Products that protect equipment such as motors from voltage and currentfailures (voltage protection relays, current mornitoringrelays).According to different needs of customers,our products are produced according to orders, and each product will be designedwith related parts and circuit boards according to customers" requirement.


    Professional personnel, sophisticated technology and a complete variety of specifications, fully meet the needs of domestic and foreign user

    Product quality

    Each of our products will be subjected to rigorous testing before leaving the factory to ensure product performance.

    Strong strength

    Yoshine has earned a reputation for short lead times, flexible product design and excellent technical support, and its products are sold all over the world

    Good team

    We have a wealth of R & D Experience, with a batch of R & D and scientific and technological personnel, in the relay field has made impressive achievements




    Do you want to know more? We appreciate your interest and are happy to provide you with suggestions.
    Simply give us some information so we can get in touch with you
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    Zhiguang Industry Zone, Liushi Town, Yueqing, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China.
    • Charges vary depending on service provider and country/region
    • please use the international number
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    0577-57570389 sue@yaoxuele.com